Saying Goodbye to Your Best Friend: Pet Cremation Steps

pet cremation

Losing your pet can be a truly difficult experience. Your long-time companion has taken the next step, and now it’s time for you to make the decision of what to do with their remains.

The fortunate thing is that there are numerous ways to memorialize your pet. One of the main ways to do just that is pet cremation.

We’re going to talk about the process of cremating your pet in this article, giving you some insight into how you can move forward.

Let’s get started.

Pet Cremation Options

Pet cremation is a popular option among people because of a few reasons. First, it’s a way to put your friend to rest while also hanging onto a piece of them in some way. You also have the option of spreading the remains in a place that your pet enjoyed spending time.

Further, it’s a lot cheaper than having your pet buried at a pet cemetery. Most cemeteries charge something around $300 for the average burial service. Cremation options are around half that amount.

You can also take a look at some beautiful pet urns to memorialize your friend. There are a number of different options you can go with, but keep in mind that it’s possible to personalize those options and make them specific to your pet.

For example, one thing that a lot of people do is get a pawprint pressed into clay before their animal passes. This is a great reminder of your old friend, and there’s typically a strand of hair or two pressed in there as well to keep the memory alive.

Factors of Cremation

The first factor that comes into the situation is the transportation of your animal to the cremation service. Many animals pass away after going to the vet, and vet offices tend to have direct contact with cremation and burial services.

You should also be aware that it might be a few days before your animal can undergo the cremation process. That means there could be a period of time where their body needs to be stored in a cool place. This can be difficult for some people to accept, but it’s a necessary step.

The process of cremation itself involves a high-heat flame that transforms the animal into ashes and fragments of bone. Depending on the size of the animal, this process could be relatively short or take a couple of hours.

Note that you don’t have to be around for the process to take place, considering that it can be difficult for owners to be in proximity. Another option that might seem strange at first is communal cremation.

This is the process of cremating a few animals at the same time to reduce the cost of cremation. Communal cremation takes away the chance to have only your animal’s remains in an urn, though, so it’s often the best choice to go with private cremation if you can afford it.

Want to Learn More about Pet Burial Options?

Pet cremation is a great option for many people, but you might not feel like it’s the right move for you. We understand that, and we’re here to put you in touch with other ideas.

Explore our site for more insights into pet ownership and how to deal with all of the ups and downs.

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