9 Essential Elements to Create the Perfect Indoor Rabbit Hutch

indoor rabbit hutch

What pet is the perfect balance between a dog and a cat?

Dogs are playful and snuggly and love to interact with you, but caring for them can be a lot of work. They also tend to get your house dirty. Cats like to spend time grooming themselves and generally won’t leave muddy paw prints on the floor. But many cats are aloof and not will only cuddle with you when they want to.

So what pet is playful and fun to interact with like a dog, yet clean and easy to take care of like a cat? Have you figured it out yet?

A bunny rabbit! A cute, little, fluffy bunny.

Now you only need the perfect home for your rabbit. Check out these nine essential elements for creating an indoor rabbit hutch.

1. Adequate Size

Like dogs, rabbits come in different sizes depending on the breed. Adult rabbits can range from 2-3 pounds up to 22 pounds. Thus, when choosing a hutch size you need to take into consideration your particular rabbit.

At the very least, the hutch should be tall enough that the rabbit can stand up on its hind legs. The length should be at least 3 bunny hops and the width should be at least 2 hops. If your space allows for it, consider a multi-level cage that will give the rabbit a chance to run around and climb.

If you have more than one rabbit, always base the size off the largest rabbit.

2. A Place to Hide

While rabbits enjoy the ability to move around and get exercise, they also like confined spaces. After all, in the wild, they like to live in little burrows. This makes them feel safe and protected from anything that may be hunting them.

Consider dividing your bunny cage into two rooms. Make one room small and enclosed so the rabbit feels like he has a place to hide and sleep comfortably.

3. Ventilation

While the little hiding spot can be enclosed, the rest of the hutch should have adequate ventilation. Wire mesh walls are a good option. Wooden walls can work if there is space between the slats. However, the best choice would be wire mesh around a wooden frame.

You might think glass walls (think aquarium type) would be nice so that your rabbit can see out and have lots of light. Unfortunately, it gets stuffy in there quickly and your rabbit would prefer fresh air.

4. Proper Flooring

While wire mesh is good for the walls, it is not an adequate choice for flooring. It will hurt the bunny’s feet to stand and sit on the wire all the time.

If the floor of your hutch consists of wire, put down a piece of plywood and a bit of bedding to make a comfortable surface. Be sure to swap out the bedding on occasion as it will get soiled.

5. Rabbit Litter Box

Rabbits can learn to use a litter box like a cat. This is the best method for keeping their business contained and easy to clean up.

Most rabbits are easy to train. Watch which corner of their bunny house they prefer to use as a bathroom. Then place the litter box there and put their food and water on the other side.

Put in a few layers of newspaper with non-toxic litter on top. Be careful about what you choose. Cat litters can be toxic when eaten, and your rabbit will nibble on it. To help with that, cover with a layer of hay, but change it daily to keep it fresh.

6. Food and Water

Rabbits spend a lot of their day eating. This provides them with mental stimulation as well as helps them grind down their teeth as needed. Provide your rabbit with plenty of hay and leafy greens that they can munch on all day.

If you choose to use pellets, opt for a flat bowl with a heavy bottom. This will be more difficult to tip over.

A drinker bottle is best for the water. They can knock over a bowl or soil it with pellets or something else.

7. A Social Spot

You don’t want your rabbit around a ton of loud noises that could stress him out, but don’t shut him away by himself either. Rabbits are social and will enjoy hanging out with your family.

If your family includes dogs, consider keeping the rabbit hutch raised. Even if the dog can’t get through the cage, the rabbit will feel stressed and scared to have a carnivore poking around all the time.

8. Toys and Chews

Rabbits chew to entertain themselves. Providing them with lots of toys and things to chew on will keep them happy for hours.

You can buy toys from the pet store or you can create your own. Simple stuff like a toilet paper tube stuffed with hay will make most rabbits happy. Twigs and sticks are also a good choice. Make sure whatever you put in there is edible, because your rabbit will eat it.

9. A Digging Spot

Digging is another favorite past time for a rabbit. Create a spot in the cage that will encourage him to dig and play.

Go traditional by filling a flower pot with dirt. However, your bunny may be as happy with something unconventional, like a cardboard box or wicker basket full of shredded newspaper.

Indoor Rabbit Hutch For the Win!

Follow these simple ideas when creating your indoor rabbit hutch. We promise that your rabbit will thank you. Provide a bunny with love and the proper care and you will have a friend for life.

Wondering what else you can do to make your home more pet-friendly? Check out this informative post on making your home an animal-friendly place.

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