5 Dog Park Design Ideas and Tips Humans and Dogs Will Love

dog park design

Every breed of dog needs some level of exercise to stay happy and healthy. Many pet owners take their furry friends to a dog park to let out their energy.

If there is a dog park in the area where they can take them. Some fill the void by building a park in their own backyard. Not everyone has that option, however.

For some, their only choice is to take them to one in town. Do you want to be the person to provide dogs a place to play? You’re going to need a good dog park design to get you started.

1. Choosing the Right Equipment

All the best dog parks are full of fun things that a puppy can play with. Site furnishings enhance park experience like nothing else.

Consider picking up hoops for dogs to jump through. You can also buy platforms of different heights for puppies to jump on.

It helps them work on their coordination and grow into the strongest dog they can be. Hamsters aren’t the only ones who enjoy running through tubes. Dogs like it too.

2. Provide a Little Shade and Water

As dogs run around, they’ll start to grow hot, no matter what the temperature is like outside. Dog park design guidelines dictate that you should provide some kind of shade for this reason.

You should also put in doggie water fountains while you’re at it.  This will keep them cool and hydrated while they play.

3. Post the Rules Up at Front

All the best dog parks have a list of rules and regulations. That means you need to sit down and come up with a list of dos and don’ts.

Once you have these rules written down, post them up toward the front of your park for all to see. This makes it more likely that guests will see them and abide by them.

4. Seating for Human Guests

Dog parks near me don’t only have amities for pets. They have places for humans to sit while they watch their puppers play. Do yourself (and the pet owners) a favor by not placing the benches near any fences.

If you do, the dogs can use them as a stepping block to escape.

5. Waste Stations

The last thing you want is for your park to become littered with dog waste. If you don’t provide stations where owners can throw away the doggie bags, this is exactly what will happen.

Place these all over your park and keep them stocked up with plenty of waste bags. Most owners bring their own, but accidents happen. It’s easy to forget them when you’re hurrying out the door.

Dog Park Design Ideas That Every Puppy Will Enjoy

Are you trying to provide a place in your home town for all doggos to play and enjoy themselves? You’re going to need a few dog park design ideas to build the best place possible. The last thing you want to do is forget something crucial like waste bags or a place for humans to sit.

Are you looking for ways to keep your own pet happy and healthy? Check out our blog post on tips for choosing the best vet clinic for your dog.

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