How to Treat Dry, Crusty Dog Nose

How to Treat Dry Crusty Dog Nose

Do you have a pup with a dry, crusty nose? If the answer is yes, you’ll want to keep reading!

Caring for your pup’s nose is just as important as caring for their coat and teeth. Not to worry, we’re here to help! In this blog post, we’ll give you all the tips and tricks on how to treat a dry, crusty dog nose so your pup can stay healthy and happy.

Causes of Dry Crusty Dog Nose

Dry and crusty dog noses can be alarming for pet owners, but it’s important to understand the potential causes before treating them. Several common conditions can cause your dog’s nose to become dry and crusty.


Dogs can become dehydrated in times of stress or during hot weather, and their noses will be the first area to reflect this condition.

A dry, crusty nose may be more prevalent in those dogs that do not drink enough water or those who spend excessive time outdoors without access to moisture.


Seasonal and environmental allergies can leave your pup’s nose dry and irritated. If your dog is excessively pawing at its nose or appearing uncomfortable, looking into possible allergens may help resolve the issue.

Fungal Infections

Discomfort from fungal infections such as ringworm or yeast overgrowth is often accompanied by a dry, brittle snout (along with other symptoms).

It’s important to note that a fungal infection won’t just go away on its own, and our veterinary care should be sought out if you think your pup may have ringworm or yeast overgrowth of the skin in their external areas such as the face or paws.

Imbalanced Diet

If your dog’s diet doesn’t provide enough essential fatty acids, it may suffer from an imbalanced level of nutrition, leading to a dry, irritated snout.

Providing balanced meals is key, so check out the ingredient label on any food choices you make for your pup – added fats like olive oil, coconut oil, and fish oil are all great sources of healthy fats that help keep skin nourished!

Symptoms of Dry, Crusty Dog Nose

dog nose dry

It’s normal for a dog’s nose to be dry and crusty-looking from time to time. But when the skin becomes excessively dry and begins to crack, there could be some underlying medical condition at work. Some of the more common signs and symptoms of a dry, crusty dog nose can include the following:

  • A flaky or crusty texture on your pet’s nose
  • Redness around the nostrils
  • Discoloration or darkening of your pet’s muzzle
  • Dry patches occurring on other parts of their body, like their ears, elbows, or paws
  • A buildup of wax or dirt around the nostril openings
  • Bleeding or tenderness if touched
  • Itchiness or other signs of discomfort

Prevention of Dry, Crusty Dog Nose

Regular nasal hygiene and a good diet can prevent a dry and crusty nose on your dog. Proper hydration is critical to avoiding dryness and discomfort.

Provide your pup with plenty of fresh water and high-quality, moist food throughout the day. Consider adding natural canine supplements such as fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals to their nutritional regimen.

Additionally, avoid harsh grooming products – use only natural cleansers that are hypoallergenic and veterinarian-approved when cleaning around the face and nose area.

You should also check your home for environmental irritants like pollens or dust mites that could cause skin irritation in your pup’s nose.

Implementing an air filter system or using vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters may help remove airborne allergy triggers from the air before they settle on your pup’s coat or nose. Also, keep an eye out for aspects of the environment such as:

  • Cold weather
  • Windy days
  • Sunny days

When to See a Veterinarian

A dry crusty dog nose is most often a sign of dehydration. Although it is fairly common for a dog’s nose to be outdoors, if you notice any changes in texture or color, it’s important to get your pet examined by a veterinarian.

During regular check-ups and examinations, your veterinarian will typically check the texture of your pet’s nose and will often apply moisturizer or wax-based products, such as petroleum jelly, to help protect the sensitive canine mucous membranes.

If the dryness persists and other skin conditions are present, your veterinarian may suggest testing for yeast or bacterial skin infections.

They may also recommend further tests such as allergy testing or x-rays of the paw pads and facial structures.

Other times, when an underlying cause cannot be found, treatment will focus on relieving discomfort through frequent moisturizing of the area and adjusting environmental factors that could be causing problems, such as humidity levels in the household.

No matter what course of action you decide on, with your veterinarian’s advice, be sure to monitor the condition of your dog’s nose regularly so that if any issues arise, they can be addressed quickly and appropriately.

Diagnosis of Dry Crusty Dog Nose

dry dog nose

Proper diagnosis and examination by your veterinarian are key to determining what is causing your furry friend’s discomfort.

Your vet may take samples from your pet’s nose for further analysis under a microscope to verify the presence of an infection or allergens present in the environment that might be worsening your pet’s condition.

Additionally, they may conduct tests like blood work panels or urinalysis, searching for nutritional imbalances or signs of other chronic medical conditions that could exacerbate the issue.

Once a diagnosis is established, it will enable them to prescribe appropriate initial therapies such as antihistamines or antibiotics as well as lifestyle changes such as dietary modifications that might alleviate any underlying causes related to nutrition or hydration levels before recommending more permanent treatments like moisturizing balms and protective creams for daily application.

Treatment of Dry Crusty Dog Nose

Depending on the underlying cause, treatment options may vary, but some basic steps can help soothe your pet’s nose and relieve discomfort.

Humidify your Home

Keeping the air in your home at a suitable humidity level (generally between 30%-50%) can help to prevent dryness of your pet’s skin and nose. Consider using a humidifier in your home during particularly dry weather seasons.

Clean Nose

Daily cleaning of your pet’s nose with a moist cloth or sponge can help keep it moisturized and remove bacteria or fungus that could be causing an infection.

Make sure to use lukewarm water and only clean the outer features of the dog’s nose; do not insert cotton swabs into their nostrils!

Change Environment

If you suspect an environmental factor is triggering your pet’s dry crusty nose, consider changing the location to reduce exposure to allergens such as dust mites, mold, or pollen.

Keeping pets indoors also helps reduce exposure to climate elements such as direct sunlight, dry air, winds, or other allergens in outdoor areas.

Consult with a Veterinarian

To ensure proper diagnosis and treatment of any underlying condition causing a dry crusty nose, visit a veterinarian to examine your pet’s general health conditions, including temperature checking for infection symptoms.

The vet may recommend laboratory testing such as blood tests or allergy testing if needed and can advise you on other appropriate treatment options based on specific diagnosis results.

Home Remedies for Dry Crusty Dog Nose

If your dog’s nose looks dry and crusty, he or she may suffer from a condition known as “nasal hyperkeratosis” or “muzzle folliculitis“. This condition can be treated at home with simple remedies, including natural oils and moisturizers to keep your pup’s nose in top condition.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has natural antibiotic properties that can help heal damaged or irritated skin. It also helps the skin retain moisture which keeps the nose soft and hydrated.

Oatmeal Paste

Oatmeal paste can help reduce irritation on the dry crusty spots on a dog’s nose while also helping to soften the skin around it.

Make an oatmeal paste by combining oat flour with water, honey, powdered milk, or vegetable oil until you reach desired consistency, then apply directly onto the affected area. Leave for at least 15 minutes, then rinse off with lukewarm water.

Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E oil is a great all-natural remedy for cracked and dry dog noses as it provides essential vitamins and nutrients to promote the healing of damaged skin cells while providing deep hydration benefits too. Gently massage into affected areas twice a day for best results.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has many amazing health benefits, including keeping skin healthy and moisturized.

Soak a cotton ball in diluted apple cider vinegar (1 part vinegar, 3 parts water), then rub across affected areas twice daily for gentle yet effective relief from itching irritation caused by nasal hyperkeratosis.

Final Thoughts

No pet parent wants to see their pup dealing with the discomfort of a dry, crust nose. Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to help soothe your dog’s dry nose. With a little TLC, you can have your dog’s nose looking and feeling better in no time!

Looking for more tips on caring for your dog? Check out some of our other great blogs about dogs.

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