How to Potty Train a Dog

how to potty train a dog

Did you know that around 48 million American households own a dog?

That’s a lot of dogs! It also leads to a lot of urine and feces to deal with, which can be tricky if your pup isn’t potty trained.

But learning to potty train a dog can be difficult too. Luckily, we’re here to help with plenty of tips and tricks to make those puppy days easier!

Read on to find out more.

Use Puppy Pads to Potty Train a Dog

Puppy pads are a very convenient way to housetrain your dog. The puppy will have a place where it feels comfortable, and you won’t have to worry about coming home to a dirty house or taking your pup out every time it has to go.

Ideally, the dog would be able to hold it in until it is outside, meaning a puppy pad might be a temporary solution. However, the pad will bring peace of mind to both the dog and owner.

Create a Schedule to Take Your Puppy Outside

In order to potty train a puppy successfully, you will need to create a schedule to take it outside.

It is essential to provide the puppy with plenty of opportunities to relieve itself during the day. It is especially important to take your dog outside first thing in the morning and in the evening before bedtime.

Creating a schedule is also a good tip to potty train an adult dog. Dogs love schedules, and it will both increase their confidence and the likelihood of understanding when to go.

Get the Help of a Dog Trainer

If the thought of puppy house training scares you, there are options out there. You can get the help of a professional dog trainer, for example!

Professional dog trainers can be beneficial if you have a busy schedule, a difficult dog, or you simply want the best for your pup. You can check it out here if that sounds like a good option for you!

Don’t Overfeed Your Puppy

Puppys digest food differently from adults and they have fragile stomachs. To make sure your puppy doesn’t suffer from overfeeding, it is recommended that you break up their meals into smaller meals – three a day is ideal.

Because puppies have more sensitive digestion, it is also important to feed them higher-quality food. If you’re unsure what’s right for your dog, speak to a vet for more help.

Praise Good Actions Instead of Scolding Bad Ones

The best way to potty train your puppy is to give them plenty of compliments and a small treat when they do something right. This will encourage them to do this again and make them feel good.

If your puppy has done something wrong, you shouldn’t scold them. This will only lead to confusion and make your pup less likely to listen to you in the future.

Ready to Potty Train Your Pup?

If you now feel confident to potty train a dog, great! If not, there are always professionals out there to help.

If you enjoyed this blog be sure to check out our website for more! We write quality content on a wide range of topics relevant to pets.

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